Claire Njanina, 22


Claire, who is originally from Zimbabwe is a 3rd Year Law and Economics Student at the University of Kent. She now calls Northern Ireland ‘home’ and has lived here for most of her life.

Claire tells UK Pivot that she has been involved with community projects since her secondary school days, from volunteering with her secondary school Belfast Royal Academy to helping Syrian refugee children with English and Maths, and organising music showcases to bring her community together. 

This time it’s her involvement with the Inclusive Global Histories Project with the Ulster Museums which got our attention. As a member of the African and Caribbean community in NI Claire is an active part of the African Caribbean Support Organisation Northern Ireland (ACSONI). She tells us that she was approached to participate in the Global Histories Project on behalf of ACSONI. The project looks at decolonising the national museum and encourages the difficult and sensitive but necessary discussion surrounding the history of the artefacts in this collection (more details published on our Community Notice page).

In her own words, Claire explains her interest in the project: “I was interested to get involved with this partnership from the beginning, and enjoyed participating in viewing and then finally choosing some of the pieces to join the exhibition. I was also passionate to give my input through discussing some of the issues which create barriers for inclusivity in our community.” The project is clearly intended to be more than just an exhibition and Claire tells us more about her interests: “My interest in this project came from a place of wanting to be an example for other young adults like myself who may struggle to find a sense of place when the place you call home may not see you as belonging. The exhibition allows the opportunity for all communities to whom Northern Ireland is home to, to have their voice heard and actively participate in cultivating a more peaceful and inclusive space for everyone.”

Here’s a link to hear more about Claire’s involvement with the Project:


Privilege Project


Thomas Annang