Who We Are


    Originally from St Vincent & The Grenadines in the Caribbean.


    Originally from Nigeria but raised and lived in London.


    Originally from Antigua & Barbuda in the Caribbean.


    Originally from Jamaica in the Caribbean.

Our Aim

Pivot was conceptualised in February 2020. It was born out of a desire to use our individual life experiences, training and skills to help bridge the gaps in the social development of migrants living in Northern Ireland. We want to influence the narrative and help to make NI more inclusive for all races by using modern tools of communication and sharing. We aim to engage in dialogue that highlights and celebrates our differences and similarities as we believe that this fosters greater community cohesion and racial equality.


What We Do

Our work is primarily focused on the empowerment of women first and foremost, and in a wider context, the empowerment of the BAME communities in Northern Ireland. However, our secondary audience is a global network of people with an interest in promoting racial equality and social justice. Our work sits within the community sector and we work closely with community organisations like the African Caribbean Support Organisation Northern Ireland (ACSONI) and Place of Victory for all Nations, Belfast (PVN).

We work to foster partnerships with other relevant organisations as our Group continues to establish itself within our community as a strong, collective voice. Through these partnerships, we deliver workshops and events within the remit of our aim /objectives. We also support the work of other organisations on a community level, or where otherwise appropriate to do so. 

Under the umbrella of our brand we also produce and host the UnMute Now podcast where our tagline “Raising the volume on the whispered conversations in our communities” is synonymous with the aim of the podcast.

Why We Do It

Our work is relevant and needed as part of an inclusive global campaign against systemic racism towards BAME people. Whilst we are not unique in advocating, we believe that as part of a collective of community organisations in Northern Ireland, we are uniquely positioned to shift the political, economic, and social agenda to amplify BAME voices, talent, and innovation so that we can enjoy a sense of belonging. We believe in turning obstacles into opportunities.