Bethel’s Kitchen

black woman holding jars of pickles

Meet Willetta Gabriel, the mastermind and chef behind the increasingly popular Garlic Dill Pickles that have become the signature mark of Bethel’s Kitchen.

Originally from Michigan, USA, Willetta has lived in Northern Ireland for about 20 years. Speaking of her experience in Northern Ireland, she says ‘I’m convinced you can have two homes, one of birth and of choice!’

She explains that one of the things she missed about Michigan were the Garlic Dill Pickles she used to eat when there. She therefore embarked on a journey to recreate the taste she knew and loved, and having tried lots of different recipes, she finally hit the jackpot!

Talking about the journey, she said ‘I shared with my friends and they wanted more and then more. Then God did an amazing thing and Bethel’s Kitchen was born!’ 

Since then, her pickles have become increasingly popular all around the country and from her base in Lisburn, she is delivering to customers up and down the country. 

You can try the pickles for yourself by contacting Bethel’s Kitchen on Instagram at




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